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-- Author:
-- Brent Tubbs <>
-- | MongoDB GridFS implementation
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeFamilies, CPP, RankNTypes #-}
2017-12-31 17:35:37 +00:00
module Database.MongoDB.GridFS
( Bucket
, files, chunks
, File
, document, bucket
-- ** Setup
, openDefaultBucket
, openBucket
-- ** Query
, findFile
, findOneFile
, fetchFile
-- ** Delete
, deleteFile
-- ** Conduits
, sourceFile
, sinkFile
2017-12-31 17:35:37 +00:00
import Control.Monad(when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans(lift)
2017-12-31 17:35:37 +00:00
import Data.Conduit
import Data.Digest.Pure.MD5
import Data.Int
import Data.Tagged(Tagged, untag)
import Data.Text(Text, append)
import Data.Time.Clock(getCurrentTime)
import Database.MongoDB
import Prelude
import qualified Data.Bson as B
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
2017-12-31 17:35:37 +00:00
defaultChunkSize :: Int64
-- ^ The default chunk size is 256 kB
defaultChunkSize = 256 * 1024
2018-01-27 19:46:53 +00:00
-- magic constant for md5Finalize
2017-12-31 17:35:37 +00:00
md5BlockSizeInBytes :: Int
md5BlockSizeInBytes = 64
data Bucket = Bucket {files :: Text, chunks :: Text}
-- ^ Files are stored in "buckets". You open a bucket with openDefaultBucket or openBucket
openDefaultBucket :: (Monad m, MonadIO m) => Action m Bucket
-- ^ Open the default 'Bucket' (named "fs")
openDefaultBucket = openBucket "fs"
openBucket :: (Monad m, MonadIO m) => Text -> Action m Bucket
-- ^ Open a 'Bucket'
openBucket name = do
let filesCollection = name `append` ".files"
let chunksCollection = name `append` ".chunks"
ensureIndex $ index filesCollection ["filename" =: (1::Int), "uploadDate" =: (1::Int)]
ensureIndex $ (index chunksCollection ["files_id" =: (1::Int), "n" =: (1::Int)]) { iUnique = True, iDropDups = True }
return $ Bucket filesCollection chunksCollection
data File = File {bucket :: Bucket, document :: Document}
2019-10-04 16:10:24 +00:00
getChunk :: (MonadFail m, MonadIO m) => File -> Int -> Action m (Maybe S.ByteString)
-- ^ Get a chunk of a file
getChunk (File _bucket doc) i = do
files_id <- B.look "_id" doc
result <- findOne $ select ["files_id" := files_id, "n" =: i] $ chunks _bucket
let content = at "data" <$> result
case content of
Just (Binary b) -> return (Just b)
_ -> return Nothing
findFile :: MonadIO m => Bucket -> Selector -> Action m [File]
-- ^ Find files in the bucket
findFile _bucket sel = do
cursor <- find $ select sel $ files _bucket
results <- rest cursor
return $ File _bucket <$> results
findOneFile :: MonadIO m => Bucket -> Selector -> Action m (Maybe File)
-- ^ Find one file in the bucket
findOneFile _bucket sel = do
mdoc <- findOne $ select sel $ files _bucket
return $ File _bucket <$> mdoc
fetchFile :: MonadIO m => Bucket -> Selector -> Action m File
-- ^ Fetch one file in the bucket
fetchFile _bucket sel = do
doc <- fetch $ select sel $ files _bucket
return $ File _bucket doc
2019-10-04 16:10:24 +00:00
deleteFile :: (MonadIO m, MonadFail m) => File -> Action m ()
-- ^ Delete files in the bucket
deleteFile (File _bucket doc) = do
files_id <- B.look "_id" doc
delete $ select ["_id" := files_id] $ files _bucket
delete $ select ["files_id" := files_id] $ chunks _bucket
putChunk :: (Monad m, MonadIO m) => Bucket -> ObjectId -> Int -> L.ByteString -> Action m ()
-- ^ Put a chunk in the bucket
putChunk _bucket files_id i chunk = do
insert_ (chunks _bucket) ["files_id" =: files_id, "n" =: i, "data" =: Binary (L.toStrict chunk)]
sourceFile :: (MonadFail m, MonadIO m) => File -> ConduitT File S.ByteString (Action m) ()
-- ^ A producer for the contents of a file
sourceFile file = yieldChunk 0 where
yieldChunk i = do
mbytes <- lift $ getChunk file i
case mbytes of
Just bytes -> yield bytes >> yieldChunk (i+1)
Nothing -> return ()
-- Used to keep data during writing
data FileWriter = FileWriter
{ _fwChunkSize :: Int64
, _fwBucket :: Bucket
, _fwFilesId :: ObjectId
, _fwChunkIndex :: Int
, _fwSize :: Int64
, _fwAcc :: L.ByteString
, _fwMd5Context :: MD5Context
, _fwMd5acc :: L.ByteString
2017-12-31 17:35:37 +00:00
-- Finalize file, calculating md5 digest, saving the last chunk, and creating the file in the bucket
finalizeFile :: (Monad m, MonadIO m) => Text -> FileWriter -> Action m File
finalizeFile filename (FileWriter chunkSize _bucket files_id i size acc md5context md5acc) = do
2017-12-31 17:35:37 +00:00
let md5digest = finalizeMD5 md5context (L.toStrict md5acc)
when (L.length acc > 0) $ putChunk _bucket files_id i acc
currentTimestamp <- liftIO getCurrentTime
let doc = [ "_id" =: files_id
, "length" =: size
2019-05-30 00:07:29 +00:00
, "uploadDate" =: currentTimestamp
, "md5" =: show md5digest
, "chunkSize" =: chunkSize
, "filename" =: filename
insert_ (files _bucket) doc
return $ File _bucket doc
2017-12-31 17:35:37 +00:00
-- finalize the remainder and return the MD5Digest.
finalizeMD5 :: MD5Context -> S.ByteString -> MD5Digest
2019-05-30 00:07:29 +00:00
finalizeMD5 ctx remainder =
md5Finalize ctx2 (S.drop lu remainder) -- can only handle max md5BlockSizeInBytes length
2017-12-31 17:35:37 +00:00
2019-05-30 00:07:29 +00:00
l = S.length remainder
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r = l `mod` md5BlockSizeInBytes
lu = l - r
2019-05-30 00:07:29 +00:00
ctx2 = md5Update ctx (S.take lu remainder)
2017-12-31 17:35:37 +00:00
-- Write as many chunks as can be written from the file writer
writeChunks :: (Monad m, MonadIO m) => FileWriter -> L.ByteString -> Action m FileWriter
writeChunks (FileWriter chunkSize _bucket files_id i size acc md5context md5acc) chunk = do
2018-01-27 19:46:53 +00:00
-- Update md5 context
let md5BlockLength = fromIntegral $ untag (blockLength :: Tagged MD5Digest Int)
let md5acc_temp = (md5acc `L.append` chunk)
let (md5context', md5acc') =
2018-01-27 19:46:53 +00:00
if (L.length md5acc_temp < md5BlockLength)
then (md5context, md5acc_temp)
else let numBlocks = L.length md5acc_temp `div` md5BlockLength
2019-05-30 00:07:29 +00:00
(current, remainder) = L.splitAt (md5BlockLength * numBlocks) md5acc_temp
in (md5Update md5context (L.toStrict current), remainder)
2018-01-27 19:46:53 +00:00
-- Update chunks
let size' = (size + L.length chunk)
let acc_temp = (acc `L.append` chunk)
if (L.length acc_temp < chunkSize)
then return (FileWriter chunkSize _bucket files_id i size' acc_temp md5context' md5acc')
2018-01-27 19:46:53 +00:00
else do
2019-05-30 00:07:29 +00:00
let (newChunk, acc') = L.splitAt chunkSize acc_temp
putChunk _bucket files_id i newChunk
writeChunks (FileWriter chunkSize _bucket files_id (i+1) size' acc' md5context' md5acc') L.empty
sinkFile :: (Monad m, MonadIO m) => Bucket -> Text -> ConduitT S.ByteString () (Action m) File
-- ^ A consumer that creates a file in the bucket and puts all consumed data in it
sinkFile _bucket filename = do
files_id <- liftIO $ genObjectId
awaitChunk $ FileWriter defaultChunkSize _bucket files_id 0 0 L.empty md5InitialContext L.empty
awaitChunk fw = do
mchunk <- await
case mchunk of
Nothing -> lift (finalizeFile filename fw)
Just chunk -> lift (writeChunks fw (L.fromStrict chunk)) >>= awaitChunk